
Roadside Assistance

Things happen, what can we say? We’ve got you!

Breakdowns are unpredictable, and can happen anywhere any time. Our mobile mechanics are here. Breakdowns commonly occur due to blown out tires or flat tires, engine trouble, low fuel, or if you happen to be stuck somewhere on the road, far from your final destination. Using our mobile app, you could easily book a service request, and a nearby mobile mechanic will be on his way to you! Issue resolved.

Diagnostics and Inspections

Buying a car? Pre-purchase inspections happen on the spot, you can rely on us. Something else showing up on your dashboard? Sign in and book an appointment, myCANx will meet you wherever you are.

Before purchasing a car, be sure to check out our expert advice! MyCANx sends a custom and comprehensive report to you after each vehicle inspection.


Staying on top of the daily rhythm is what counts here at myCANx. We couldn’t imagine anybody being out of tune, per se. Each vehicle is inspected, diagnosed, and handled with care by our trusted and experienced technicians, when you book a service appointment. Send us your out of tune belts, brakes, hoses -- download the myCANx app and easily request service today.

Oil Change

Happens around 70% of the time. Things are normalizing. Hang tight…

During daily busy schedules, it is often time-consuming and cumbersome to spend time at the repair shop. Our experienced mobile auto mechanic sees your service appointment on our mobile app and helps you with your oil change. Schedule a service appointment, determine your location and convenient time, without disturbing the schedules of the day. Ride-sharing drivers welcome, we see you!

Fuel Delivery Service

We get you moving!

Running out of fuel? Need someone’s assistance to deliver you some petrol or diesel to keep your vehicle moving? myCANx will deliver fuel to you from a local reliable source. We can deliver the fuel you need, to where you need it, when you need it most!

myCANx can deliver an emergency supply of petrol or diesel fuel to get you back on the road again. Don't let running out of fuel ruin your day. Our mobile app easily connects you with a nearby mobile mechanic to deliver fuel at your company, home or wherever you may be on the road. 

Want to talk?
Please call us: +(310) 526 2280

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